Just a short drive out of St. John's County into Flagler County , you will find the Princess Place Preserve. With the wonderful weather we St. Augustinians are lucky to have in December (with the exception of today , it should clear up later this week) , this is a perfect place to explore not only Old Florida history but the scenic nature and wildlife the preserve offers as well.

Originally this land was a grant given to Francisco Pellicier from Spain in 1791. During this time the land was transformed into an orange grove and was referred to as Cherokee Grove. Nearly a hundred years later , a man by the name of Henry Cutting in 1887 bought the property and built a lodge designed by Architect William Wright., equipped with Florida's first in ground pool. Sadly, Cutting died a few years later , leaving his widow Angela the property and after Cutting's death she returned to New York and remarried a stock broker which subsequently ended in a nasty divorce. Throughout those years , Angela continued to visit Cherokee Grove. Then in 1922 , she met an exiled Russian prince by the name of Boris Sherbatow ,whom she later married , thus giving her the title of "Princess". In the years following , Princess Angela entertained many affluent socialites at the property which became known as the Princess Place. The Princess sold the property in 1954 , and later died in 1956 in St. Augustine at the age of 87.
In 1993, Flagler County was able to purchase and preserve the land. Amenities include: Camping, bicycling, kayak/canoeing , equestrian trails , fishing , Eagle nesting preservation area and of course the Princess Place Historic Site and Lodge.

Preserve hours: Monday-Sunday 7a.m.-6p.m.
Historic Lodge Tours 2p.m Friday - Sunday
Pets Allowed
Park Admission: FREE!